Friday, February 4, 2011

Social Networks ~ Good or Bad?

A few years ago the term "social network" wasn't in our vocabulary.  Today, many people use the internet and "social networks" such as Facebook, Twitter, MySpace and many others to "stay connected".  I don't believe there is anything wrong with having some type of social networking, but I do believe it is like anything else.  You have to be careful in how you use it.  One of two things will take place ~ You will control it or it will control you.

For example:  I just read an article in Leadership Journal that shared about a pastor who has banned Facebook among his church staff.  They could delete their account or they could resign.  He has also called on married people in his 1,100 member congregation to delete their Facebook accounts as well.  The pastor said that 20 couples from his church have had marital problems in the last six months afer a spouse reconnected with an "old flame" on Facebook.  "What happens is someone from yesterday surfaces, it leads to conversations, and there have been physical meet-ups.  The temptation is just too great."   The article continues and says that according to the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers, 81% of its members have either used or been faced with evidence from social networking sites in divorce cases in the last five years, including Facebook, Twitter, and MySpace.

Wow!  It's also important that we are careful not to use social networks to "blast" people or gossip or use it in any negative way.  My father-in-law says that it's just a place and another way for people to gossip.  We laughed, but there is some truth in his statement.  It's interesting that people will share things over their social network with their "friends" that they normally wouldn't share with anyone else.  The problem comes when their "friends" have "friends" and their "friends" have "friends".  Your "opinion" or what you are doing, feeling or sharing becomes a headline.  Be careful what you put on your "status" or what you "tweet". 

There are also studies that show that companies lose billions, yes BILLIONS, of dollars in productivity because of social networks.  Are we being good stewards of our employer when we spend time checking the status of friends on Facebook?  Probably not.  If you work for a company and you just have to update your status or check your friend's status, you may want to do it on your break or lunch hour.  What a great example this would be to others.

Don't get me wrong.  I AM NOT against social networking.  I do believe that we need to be careful in the way we use it.  I believe it is a great way to communicate but we must guard against being tempted in misusing it.  I would like to challenge every person that reads this and has some type of social network to use it in a positive way.  You can use positive quotes and even put daily scriptures to encourage others.  

So, is social networking good or bad?  It all depends on how you use it and control it.  Do you control it or does it control you? 

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Friday, February 4, 2011

Social Networks ~ Good or Bad?

A few years ago the term "social network" wasn't in our vocabulary.  Today, many people use the internet and "social networks" such as Facebook, Twitter, MySpace and many others to "stay connected".  I don't believe there is anything wrong with having some type of social networking, but I do believe it is like anything else.  You have to be careful in how you use it.  One of two things will take place ~ You will control it or it will control you.

For example:  I just read an article in Leadership Journal that shared about a pastor who has banned Facebook among his church staff.  They could delete their account or they could resign.  He has also called on married people in his 1,100 member congregation to delete their Facebook accounts as well.  The pastor said that 20 couples from his church have had marital problems in the last six months afer a spouse reconnected with an "old flame" on Facebook.  "What happens is someone from yesterday surfaces, it leads to conversations, and there have been physical meet-ups.  The temptation is just too great."   The article continues and says that according to the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers, 81% of its members have either used or been faced with evidence from social networking sites in divorce cases in the last five years, including Facebook, Twitter, and MySpace.

Wow!  It's also important that we are careful not to use social networks to "blast" people or gossip or use it in any negative way.  My father-in-law says that it's just a place and another way for people to gossip.  We laughed, but there is some truth in his statement.  It's interesting that people will share things over their social network with their "friends" that they normally wouldn't share with anyone else.  The problem comes when their "friends" have "friends" and their "friends" have "friends".  Your "opinion" or what you are doing, feeling or sharing becomes a headline.  Be careful what you put on your "status" or what you "tweet". 

There are also studies that show that companies lose billions, yes BILLIONS, of dollars in productivity because of social networks.  Are we being good stewards of our employer when we spend time checking the status of friends on Facebook?  Probably not.  If you work for a company and you just have to update your status or check your friend's status, you may want to do it on your break or lunch hour.  What a great example this would be to others.

Don't get me wrong.  I AM NOT against social networking.  I do believe that we need to be careful in the way we use it.  I believe it is a great way to communicate but we must guard against being tempted in misusing it.  I would like to challenge every person that reads this and has some type of social network to use it in a positive way.  You can use positive quotes and even put daily scriptures to encourage others.  

So, is social networking good or bad?  It all depends on how you use it and control it.  Do you control it or does it control you? 

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