Sunday, August 29, 2010

"Heat Stressed"

This has been a hot and dry summer.  I heard on the weather report the other night that it has been 47 days since our last measurable rainfall.  Combine that with 100+ degree weather and it becomes dry very quickly.  In fact, you can see the effects of the hot and dry weather as you drive through the neighborhoods and look at the brown crisp yards.  When you walk across your lawn, the brown grass sounds like a bowl of Rice Krispies as it "snaps, crackles and pops".

This past week was the first time that I had mowed our yard in about three weeks.  I drove home from running errands to begin the task.  There was a note on our front door from our lawn care service.  I have our yard sprayed and fertilized through the year to keep the weeds away.  The note made this statement, "Mr. Wheat, ...The lawn is very heat stressed.  Need to water 3-4 times per week for about 30 minutes each."  My first reaction was, "duh, do you think".  I chuckled at the obvious then I began to mow. 

As I was mowing, the words written in the note kept coming to mind..."the lawn is heat stressed".  I began to think that a lot of times our lives become "heat stressed".  In life there are a lot of things that go on that brings about stress.  Jobs, family, bills, calendar activities, blended families, deadlines, are just a few and the list could go on.  Then my mind began to think of ways to combat the "heat stressed" lives that we live.  "Water them and take care of them".  The reason why my lawn was "heat stressed" and basically dying was because it had been neglected.  I have always tried to have a nice looking lawn but this year I had neglected it.  Schedules, heat and other reasons come to mind and they sound like good reasons.  But the bottom line is that my lawn was dying because of neglect.  It is the same with our spiritual lives too.  If we neglect watering our lives with the word of God and worshiping God, it won't take long before we will have "heat stress" and begin to die.  We have "good reasons" or "excuses" why we can't read the word of go to church, but the bottom line is the "heat stress" of life will kill us spiritually if we don't water it.

We need to pay close attention so we live a life that is pleasing to the Lord and be strong.  In Psalm 1, it shares how we can become like "trees planted by streams of water."

Psalm 1:1-3 (NIV) 1 Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of mockers. 2 But his delight is in the law of the LORD, and on his law he meditates day and night. 3 He is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever he does prospers.  

May we not become "heat stressed" and die, but may we live for the Lord and prosper.  Oh by the way, I have been watering my yard to help it become green and alive again.  There is the hassle of getting moving the sprinklers and turning on the water, but the results will be a fresh, living, green lawn.  It will take time, but it will come.  It is the same spiritually.  There is work, but with time it will come.

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Sunday, August 29, 2010

"Heat Stressed"

This has been a hot and dry summer.  I heard on the weather report the other night that it has been 47 days since our last measurable rainfall.  Combine that with 100+ degree weather and it becomes dry very quickly.  In fact, you can see the effects of the hot and dry weather as you drive through the neighborhoods and look at the brown crisp yards.  When you walk across your lawn, the brown grass sounds like a bowl of Rice Krispies as it "snaps, crackles and pops".

This past week was the first time that I had mowed our yard in about three weeks.  I drove home from running errands to begin the task.  There was a note on our front door from our lawn care service.  I have our yard sprayed and fertilized through the year to keep the weeds away.  The note made this statement, "Mr. Wheat, ...The lawn is very heat stressed.  Need to water 3-4 times per week for about 30 minutes each."  My first reaction was, "duh, do you think".  I chuckled at the obvious then I began to mow. 

As I was mowing, the words written in the note kept coming to mind..."the lawn is heat stressed".  I began to think that a lot of times our lives become "heat stressed".  In life there are a lot of things that go on that brings about stress.  Jobs, family, bills, calendar activities, blended families, deadlines, are just a few and the list could go on.  Then my mind began to think of ways to combat the "heat stressed" lives that we live.  "Water them and take care of them".  The reason why my lawn was "heat stressed" and basically dying was because it had been neglected.  I have always tried to have a nice looking lawn but this year I had neglected it.  Schedules, heat and other reasons come to mind and they sound like good reasons.  But the bottom line is that my lawn was dying because of neglect.  It is the same with our spiritual lives too.  If we neglect watering our lives with the word of God and worshiping God, it won't take long before we will have "heat stress" and begin to die.  We have "good reasons" or "excuses" why we can't read the word of go to church, but the bottom line is the "heat stress" of life will kill us spiritually if we don't water it.

We need to pay close attention so we live a life that is pleasing to the Lord and be strong.  In Psalm 1, it shares how we can become like "trees planted by streams of water."

Psalm 1:1-3 (NIV) 1 Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of mockers. 2 But his delight is in the law of the LORD, and on his law he meditates day and night. 3 He is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever he does prospers.  

May we not become "heat stressed" and die, but may we live for the Lord and prosper.  Oh by the way, I have been watering my yard to help it become green and alive again.  There is the hassle of getting moving the sprinklers and turning on the water, but the results will be a fresh, living, green lawn.  It will take time, but it will come.  It is the same spiritually.  There is work, but with time it will come.

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