Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas!

Wow, it's Christmas Eve and tomorrow is Christmas 2010.  It doesn't seem possible.  My dad has told me several times "The older you get, the faster time goes by."  Well, I don't really consider myself old, but this year has flown by. 

Thinking back I have memories of great times at Christmas.  I remember that I couldn't hardly go to sleep on Christmas Eve because my mind was racing with what "Santa" would bring.   Just like all kids, the three of the children in the Wheat's home always like the presents.  We weren't poor, but we were just broke.  We never knew it.  Mom and dad always seemed to make sure all three kids had plenty for Christmas.  I know now that mom and dad made every penny stretch and probably did without some things for themselves to make sure there were smiles on our faces on Christmas morning.  Thanks mom & dad.

Now the roles have changed.  It seems like yesterday that Krystal and I celebrated our first Christmas together.  Then Ashlyn came along and gave a whole new meaning to giving.  It's amazing how things change with time.  Being the parents, Krystal and I are more happy watching the expression on Ashlyn & Mitchell's face on Christmas morning than anything else.  Ashlyn may be 14, but she still knows that Christmas is a special time.  Christmas is a time for giving and also receiving.  Mitchell, being 5, still is more interested in the "getting", but that will change as he gets a little older. 

Being pastors, sometimes our "Christmas Season" is a little hectic.  We enjoy the gatherings, parties and fun of friends around Christmas time.  Sometimes it's not until Christmas Eve or Christmas that we have some down time and let out a big "sigh".  Last night our family loaded up and headed to eat out and to see the light in Fayetteville.  The town square is lit up with billions of lights it seems.  Our first stop was Red Robin.  Their burgers are great.  Afterwards, we enjoyed seeing the lights, laughing and making memories.  Today, Krystal and the kids are going to bake cookies for Santa and we are hanging out at the house.  There are some gifts that will be wrapped and placed under the tree and then the fun will begin tonight as the kids go to bed with the same excitement that I had when I was there age.  We'll do our best to video and take photos to capture the laughs, smiles and excitement.  Wow, can't wait.

Times have changed.  I do get more pleasure in giving gifts than receiving them.  One day Ashlyn and Mitchell will have families and they will have that same feeling.  It really is more blessed to give than receive.  Isn't that what Christmas is all about?  Leaning the true meaning of giving.   God gave to us because He loved us.  He gets so much enjoyment in blessing His children. Thank you Heavenly Father for giving us the example of giving and also the great feeling we experience as we become more generous....Just like You! 

Merry Christmas from the Wheats!  We are truly blessed.

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Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas!

Wow, it's Christmas Eve and tomorrow is Christmas 2010.  It doesn't seem possible.  My dad has told me several times "The older you get, the faster time goes by."  Well, I don't really consider myself old, but this year has flown by. 

Thinking back I have memories of great times at Christmas.  I remember that I couldn't hardly go to sleep on Christmas Eve because my mind was racing with what "Santa" would bring.   Just like all kids, the three of the children in the Wheat's home always like the presents.  We weren't poor, but we were just broke.  We never knew it.  Mom and dad always seemed to make sure all three kids had plenty for Christmas.  I know now that mom and dad made every penny stretch and probably did without some things for themselves to make sure there were smiles on our faces on Christmas morning.  Thanks mom & dad.

Now the roles have changed.  It seems like yesterday that Krystal and I celebrated our first Christmas together.  Then Ashlyn came along and gave a whole new meaning to giving.  It's amazing how things change with time.  Being the parents, Krystal and I are more happy watching the expression on Ashlyn & Mitchell's face on Christmas morning than anything else.  Ashlyn may be 14, but she still knows that Christmas is a special time.  Christmas is a time for giving and also receiving.  Mitchell, being 5, still is more interested in the "getting", but that will change as he gets a little older. 

Being pastors, sometimes our "Christmas Season" is a little hectic.  We enjoy the gatherings, parties and fun of friends around Christmas time.  Sometimes it's not until Christmas Eve or Christmas that we have some down time and let out a big "sigh".  Last night our family loaded up and headed to eat out and to see the light in Fayetteville.  The town square is lit up with billions of lights it seems.  Our first stop was Red Robin.  Their burgers are great.  Afterwards, we enjoyed seeing the lights, laughing and making memories.  Today, Krystal and the kids are going to bake cookies for Santa and we are hanging out at the house.  There are some gifts that will be wrapped and placed under the tree and then the fun will begin tonight as the kids go to bed with the same excitement that I had when I was there age.  We'll do our best to video and take photos to capture the laughs, smiles and excitement.  Wow, can't wait.

Times have changed.  I do get more pleasure in giving gifts than receiving them.  One day Ashlyn and Mitchell will have families and they will have that same feeling.  It really is more blessed to give than receive.  Isn't that what Christmas is all about?  Leaning the true meaning of giving.   God gave to us because He loved us.  He gets so much enjoyment in blessing His children. Thank you Heavenly Father for giving us the example of giving and also the great feeling we experience as we become more generous....Just like You! 

Merry Christmas from the Wheats!  We are truly blessed.

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