Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Many times people will come up and hand me a note or a cartoon that they know that I will enjoy.  Some are articles pertaining to current events and others are just funny cartoons that will make me laugh.  Not to long ago, a gentleman in my church by the name of Neal Reed gave me a business card that I really need to read more often.  In fact, we were at the 50th Wedding Anniversary of his and his wife.  That day was one of those days where we felt like we needed to be at several different places and the day was "packed".  Neal handed me this business card and said, "Hey pastor, I think this may help you out."  He chuckled because he knew we were heading out to catch Ashlyn's basketball game and had a busy schedule ahead of us.

One side of the business card has Neal & Irmalee's mailing address, phone numbers and a phrase that says: "Smile! God loves you and We love you!"  It's always encouraging to hear those words, but it was the words on the opposite side that Neal wanted me to read, too.  The other side reads with the following "prayer".
"Slow me down, Lord, I am going too fast. 
I can't see my brother as he goes past; 
I miss a lot of good things day by day.  
I don't know blessings when they come my way.  
Slow me down, Lord, so I can see
More of the things that are good for me;
A littel less of me, a mite more of you,
Let Heavenly atomospherre trickle thru,
Let me help a brother when the going's rough
When folks work together, things aren't so tough;
Slow me down, Lord, so that I can talk
with more of your angels...slow me down to a walk."

In the last phrase the writer says, "Slow me down, Lord, so that I can talk with more of your angels..."  As I read this, I took it that "angels" were the wonderful people that God has placed in our lives and not of the "angels" we think of with wings.

We all are busy and especially this time of year.  Actually I have noticed that it's not just Christmas time that we are busy.  I am usually filling up my calendar 12 months out of the year.  I'm not saying that we need to not work hard.  I believe in working hard and giving it my best.  But sometimes we equate "business" with being productive and that simply isn't true.  God has placed wonderful people in my life and He also brings people across my path.  My desire is that I don't become so busy that I am not making a difference in their lives.  My prayer is that my calendar doesn't get so busy that I don't have time to slow down and enjoy the "angels" God has placed in my life.  "Slow me down, Lord.  Slow me down" so that I can make a difference in someone's life.

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Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Many times people will come up and hand me a note or a cartoon that they know that I will enjoy.  Some are articles pertaining to current events and others are just funny cartoons that will make me laugh.  Not to long ago, a gentleman in my church by the name of Neal Reed gave me a business card that I really need to read more often.  In fact, we were at the 50th Wedding Anniversary of his and his wife.  That day was one of those days where we felt like we needed to be at several different places and the day was "packed".  Neal handed me this business card and said, "Hey pastor, I think this may help you out."  He chuckled because he knew we were heading out to catch Ashlyn's basketball game and had a busy schedule ahead of us.

One side of the business card has Neal & Irmalee's mailing address, phone numbers and a phrase that says: "Smile! God loves you and We love you!"  It's always encouraging to hear those words, but it was the words on the opposite side that Neal wanted me to read, too.  The other side reads with the following "prayer".
"Slow me down, Lord, I am going too fast. 
I can't see my brother as he goes past; 
I miss a lot of good things day by day.  
I don't know blessings when they come my way.  
Slow me down, Lord, so I can see
More of the things that are good for me;
A littel less of me, a mite more of you,
Let Heavenly atomospherre trickle thru,
Let me help a brother when the going's rough
When folks work together, things aren't so tough;
Slow me down, Lord, so that I can talk
with more of your angels...slow me down to a walk."

In the last phrase the writer says, "Slow me down, Lord, so that I can talk with more of your angels..."  As I read this, I took it that "angels" were the wonderful people that God has placed in our lives and not of the "angels" we think of with wings.

We all are busy and especially this time of year.  Actually I have noticed that it's not just Christmas time that we are busy.  I am usually filling up my calendar 12 months out of the year.  I'm not saying that we need to not work hard.  I believe in working hard and giving it my best.  But sometimes we equate "business" with being productive and that simply isn't true.  God has placed wonderful people in my life and He also brings people across my path.  My desire is that I don't become so busy that I am not making a difference in their lives.  My prayer is that my calendar doesn't get so busy that I don't have time to slow down and enjoy the "angels" God has placed in my life.  "Slow me down, Lord.  Slow me down" so that I can make a difference in someone's life.

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